On Wednesday, December 19th, UMA founder and designer Raquel Davidowicz unveiled re-editions of the iconic series “Os Bichos” by mid-century Brazilian artist, the late Lygia Clark. The event took place at the new UMA location at 13 Crosby Street in New York City.
Guests were encouraged to peruse the collection of spectacular re-editions while indulging in a delectable spread featuring wine, cheese, and artisan bread. Next, those in attendance were invited to take part in a panel and Q&A.
UMA celebrated the re-editions with an informative conversation not only with Davidowicz but also interdisciplinary artist Yolande Milan Batteau and street artist Dan Witz. These art veterans revealed their thoughts to an intimate group of young aspiring fashion and art designers. Moderated by design entrepreneur Adriana Kertzer, the panel discussed the importance of protecting your art through legal means, as well as staying true to yourself and the inspirational heartbeat of your artistic creations.
Once the discussion ended, the floor was opened up for a riveting Q&A at which point attendees had the opportunity to pick from these experienced minds. At the close of the event, aspiring artists left feeling empowered to handle the more technical, business side of such a creative industry, while also having their artistic souls nurtured.
The new UMA location and the “Os Bichos” re-editions are definitely worth checking out. If you have the chance, get down to Soho and be inspired by where fashion meets art. For more information about UMA and their many unique collections, visit them on the web at umaraqueldavidowicz.com.