On Friday, Netflix hosted an Axe Throwing event in preparation for the premiere of their new series, Outlaw King. Netflix partnered with Kick Axe Throwing, an indoor axe throwing bar scene in Brooklyn where guests were able to enjoy food and booze while experiencing axe throwing just like the Scottish warriors did in Outlaw King.
Starring some familiar faces like Chris Pine from popular sci-fi film Star Trek, and Aaron-Taylor Johnson from Kick-Ass, Outlaw King is based on the untold story of one of the most famous Scottish warriors of the 14th century Robert The Bruce, who is played by Chris Pine. After being exiled from his throne as King, Robert The Bruce gathers an army of men to fight the new King and his son, the Prince of Wales, in order to seize his rightful crown and lead Scotland to independence against England.
Directed and produced by Scotland native David Mackenzie, Outlaw King is a historical drama that will be sure to entertain and even educate for those who may be unaware of the significant role that Robert The Bruce played in the freedom of his country.
Outlaw King premiered on November 9th and is now available to stream on Netflix. You can keep up with the film on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.