Last week, Red Bull released a short film called Forgiving Pipeline, diving into the background story of a young female surf photographer Amber Mozo.
The video documents the chilling details of how Amber got into surf photography, why her passion is a true tribute to her late father and how she overcame her fear of Pipeline, the legendary wave, this surf season.
Here’s some background on her story:
North Shore legend Jon Mozo died while shooting Pipeline, the mecca of all waves, in 2005. Since then, Amber has taken up her father’s craft, becoming an accomplished photographer in her own right. However, she’s never shot the wave that took his life until this year’s Volcom Pipe Pro in January. At the surf competition, Amber decided to face the dangerous Pipeline with the help of friend and famed surf photographer, Zak Noyle.
Zak Noyle is one of the top surf photographers in the world. To tie the whole story together, Amber’s father actually provided Zak with his first waterproof camera.
Check out the film to see how Zak teams up with Amber, helping her conquer her fear and accomplish the epic task of shooting Pipleine in honor of Jon Mozo, who’s influenced them both in becoming who they are today. The video can be found below.