Beverly Hills, CA – An intimate luncheon was held at the renowned Crustacean restaurant, acclaimed director Carl Joseph E. Papa toasted to his entry into the 96th Academy Awards for his astonishing film, “The Missing.” The exclusive event, which unfolded on December 2, became a celebration of Papa’s cinematic achievements and a prelude to the upcoming recognition at the Oscars.
Crustacean, known for its fusion of Vietnamese flavors and upscale ambiance, set the stage for an afternoon filled with gastronomic delights and the exchange of creative insights. The restaurant, nestled in the heart of Beverly Hills, provided the perfect backdrop for industry insiders and supporters to come together and honor Papa’s accomplishments.
“The Missing,” a poignant film that explores themes of loss and redemption, has garnered widespread acclaim for its storytelling and cinematic prowess. With its selection as the Philippines’ official entry to the 96th Academy Awards, the luncheon at Crustacean became a pivotal moment for Papa and his team to reflect on the journey leading up to this prestigious recognition.
The luncheon commenced with guests praising Papa as he made his way into the table, expressing their overwhelming support and praise for his film. Attendees were treated to a delectable menu curated by Crustacean’s culinary experts, featuring signature dishes that blended traditional Vietnamese flavors with a modern twist.
As plates were shared and conversations flowed, the atmosphere at Crustacean echoed with the excitement surrounding “The Missing” and its prospects at the upcoming Oscars. Guests had the opportunity to engage with Papa, gaining insights into the creative process behind the film and the challenges faced in bringing such a powerful narrative to the screen.
The luncheon served as a platform for networking, collaboration, and the forging of connections that could potentially shape the future of Filipino cinema.
As for the film itself, it screams phenomena written all over it. For 90 minutes you can delve into the world of ‘The Missing’ as the film emerges you into a cinematic marvel. It defies all constraints with a team of 90 animators who conjured its mesmerizing visuals for a year and seven months and the filming with actors which only took four days. With a tapestry of drama, sci-fi, and animation, the film casts a spell with its captivating narrative and expressive protagonist, Eric. Despite lacking a mouth, Eric’s silent expressions convey the depth of his emotions as he grapples with the trauma of his past. The story unfolds when a concerned call from his mother, Rosalinda, sets Eric and his co-worker Carlo on a journey to uncover the mystery of his missing Uncle Rogelio, only to discover a tragedy that shatters Eric’s already fragile world.
At its core, “The Missing” is an exploration of resilience and recovery in the face of unspeakable tragedy. Eric’s silence, a result of childhood trauma, becomes a powerful symbol of the struggles many endure in coping with mental and emotional distress. The film delicately portrays the darkest moments of human experience, revealing how love, support, and inner strength can guide one from the shadows of despair to a gradual rediscovery of self.
As the luncheon concluded, attendees left with a sense of anticipation for the 96th Academy Awards and a deeper appreciation for the artistry of Carl Joseph E. Papa. The event at Crustacean not only celebrated a talented filmmaker but also highlighted the importance of recognizing and supporting diverse voices in the world of cinema.
Click on this reel to watch a visual recap of the luncheon!