Phoebe Katis is an English pop-singer promoting her new album release Sweet Reunion with her first American debut at the Bowery Electric. While she wrote this album over the pandemic, and some of the songs can be used to express her feelings about the pandemic, Phoebe explained in-between songs that she wanted the song to go beyond that, especially as she wrote about new relationships and break-ups. Her new album goes through two arcs – the first is about the happiness that comes with a new relationship, the feeling of freedom and love that we experience while learning about being with someone. The second, however, deals with the upset that we face when dealing with a break-up, as well as the feeling of being away from friends and family. During the concert, not only did she play upbeat, lively songs off of her new album “Never Be a Cool Girl” and “I Am”, she also played some of her earlier songs “Better Than This” and “It’s Okay to Cry” which talk of harder times, where it’s difficult to pull yourself up and out of a darker place. Still, her voice and the melodies she uses are soft and fun, even when singing about the bad times.
Phoebe explained how while in London, it was difficult for her to break-out in the music scene when the majority of her music influences were American, such as Broadway, power ballads, and singers like Barbara Streisand, David Bowie, and Carol King. This then in turn led her to her current producer and eventually to the American stage. Phoebe also has a great relationship with her audience by cracking jokes, laughing at herself, and just generally having a good time. She relates well to the people on and off-stage, even sharing an entertaining anecdote about her time here in New York: “I was on the way back in an Uber, with my keyboard, and you know, drivers see the keyboard and ask the question, ‘Are you a musician?’ and I go ‘Yes!’ And it was a funny thing because he then goes ‘Oh musicians really must love music!’ and I have to stop for a moment,” Phoebe laughs, “because it’s true! I almost forgot that we musicians do this because we love to make music!”
Miranda Joan brings in a gorgeous, resonating voice to start the night. Her constant smile, laughter, and bubbly personality makes for a wonderful opening act; she was as bright and lively as her jazz and indie-pop music, and her song about the difficulties of keeping plants alive while living in New York City. With influences like Emily King and Anderson Paak, Miranda brings a fresh outlook to jazz music, especially in her song “Home”. One of her songs that was released this year, it’s a song of longing and trying to find her place in life. Alita Moses, the second opening act, fills the room and beyond with her soulful voice. She has a soft, smooth tone and can reach those long high notes that make you want to sing along with her. Alita constantly engages with the audience, laughing about how she should just stop talking and start singing, and continuously charms the audience with her amazing voice. She played her original songs, one of which is “Vines”, which she said will be released soon. Both of these women have experience in performing at festivals and other events, and it was great for both of them to be performing live music once again, and all three music artists compliment each other to make for a good touring line up. Phoebe Katis, along with Miranda Joan and Alita Moses, and the men who comprised the bands for all three – Justin Goldener, Jordan Rose, Mike Bono, and Sam Greenfield – know how to put on a very incredible and entertaining show.
Phoebe Katis’s newest album Sweet Reunion is a wonderful collection of songs that talk of transparency, reflection of herself, and an all-around good vibe that comes with discovering yourself.