Thor is back, and with a brand new haircut.
In the newest Marvel film, Thor: Ragnarok, Thor is in a position he has never been in before. The busty hero is now imprisoned on the other side of the universe without the help of his mighty hammer.
With his newest challenge, the villain Ragnarok, Thor must race against the clock to return to Asgard to save his homeworld.
Coming to theaters November 3rd, Thor thunders into a deadly gladiator contest against the one and only, Incredible Hulk.
Directed by Taika Waititi, Chris Hemsworth returns as the almighty Thor to avenge his home and fight for the continuation of the Asgardian civilization. Tom Hiddleston returns to his prized role as Loki, with the help of well-known actors Idris Elba, Cate Blanchett, Tessa Thompson, and Mark Ruffalo as the Incredible Hulk.
Thor has never been more ruthless and intent on saving the world, let alone his own home. The odds are stacked against him, but when has that ever stopped the great Thor.?
Thor must learn to save the world without the help of his hammer. The question is, can he do it?
Marvel Studios presents the newest and most thunderous Thor yet. Come enjoy the action on November 3, 2017.