I wondered if you thought it was just some person yelling at you…
Noooo. No no no! *Laughs
No I was a fan of him. And the funny thing is I would just say hi and nod and just smile. But this day he came up and said ‘how are you?’ Super-talkative. I was like yeah!
So how’d you get in character?
I started reading up about bi-polar disorder. And actually looking at YouTube as well. Cause YouTube has people talking about their own journey through bi-polar disorder. I just kind of wrapped my head around it. One thing that I love about my character is her love for her son. She just wanted to be a great mom. And she’s willing to go through anything to make sure that he’s happy. And with her illness sometimes it makes it a bit of a challenge, because some days she doesn’t know what she’s doing; whether it’s herself or her son. But she loves him. She loves him. At the end of the day…
You can relate to that.
When are you appearing?
I’ve appeared in all of the episodes except for the very first one. And then I’m going to shoot another one.
Fantastic. What are your Halloween plans?
Titan and I are going to dress up. We’re going to go as Micky and Minnie Mouse. And we’re gonna go to about four houses for trick-or-treating [smirks], call it a day. His first trick-or-treating experience. Hope he remembers it but I doubt he will. *Laughs
What’s your favorite costume you ever wore?
Dressing as a cowgirl. Only because it’s attached to such a great memory for me.
What’s the memory?
My mom and I, we’d just moved to Houston from Atlanta. And I remember being in a new place and not having any friends. I remember going out and we were going to the pasta house and all these kids said ‘oh I like your costume.’
That for me was like [sighs deeply]. You know what I mean? Attaching myself to new people and a new space. And feeling like it was gonna be ok.
That’s so scary as a kid.
[in agreement] What? Yes.
I’m going as Eddie Murphy from ‘Coming to America’.
I already previewed it last weekend. It went well.
I’m feeling good.
Which outfit did you get?
The one with the leopard draped over it.
Dooope. I have to bite that maybe next year.
You should definitely steal it.
Photo Caption: Singer and celebrity mom, Kelly Rowland, celebrates a mother-son moment with her little man, Titan. Kelly and Titan have partnered with Dreft, the trusted baby laundry detergent, to chronicle their journey of #amazinghood this past year. Fans can view new exclusive content from Kelly and Titan on Dreft’s social media channels in the coming weeks. (Matt Sayles/AP/Invision)