Minx, is the newest comedy series out on HBO Max! The show entails an ambitious feminist named Joyce who works alongside Doug, a chirpy magazine publisher, that team up to create the first-ever erotic magazine for women.
Set in 1971, at the peak of feminism, Joyce navigates her career in a male-dominated industry. With the male gaze at the center of the creative decisions of these magazines, Joyce (Ophelia Lovebond) works effortlessly at pitching her ideas to hopefully get them sold. Meeting Doug (Jake Jonhson), who hustles hard and embraces her vision for the magazine, she is blown away by his spunky persona yet authoritative leadership. At the company, she meets Bambi (Jessica Lowe), Tina (Idara Victor), Richie (Oscar Montoya) and with the support of her sister Shelly (Lennon Parham), they all learn to work together as a unit to make the magazine a hit. Throughout the series the team grows together not only professionally, but also as a family in bringing together the magazine — Minx. The stars talk more exclusively about the series, their characters, what they’ve learned, and what it’s taught each of them as individuals.
The series is out now on HBO Max, with two new episodes debuting each week through April 14th.