Some big stars came out to support Meryl Streep’s latest film!
Check out what Amir Arison Lea DeLaria, Jennifer Esposito had to say about their latest projects, Meryl Streep and more!
Amir Arison
We love The Blacklist, so what have you been up to this summer since you guys have been off?
Wait til you see season three, we’re shooting the first episode right now. Season three is going to be very exciting. We actually started so that is a part of my summer, the other part of the summer I worked on a friends independent film and actually made my first film, a short film.
Tell us about that.
It’s a short, a playwright in New York adapted and we were working together on it. She asked me to do it as a play a long time ago and I wasn’t available but I called her and I said I think this is a movie and would you like me to make it and she was like oh my god sure and that’s the movie I made this summer, and I’m in the audio mix color correction page. Let me tell you what’s hard making a movie, even a short, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
Lea DeLaria
So what brings you out tonight?
Of course well Meryl Streep who’s gonna ever gonna say no to a Meryl Streep movie, a free Meryl Streep movie I’m here. Um, secondly my dear dear friend Gabriel Ebert is in this movie and I can’t wait to see his work on the big screen with Meryl, I’m very excited for him.
What’s one of your favorite Meryl movies?
Oh man, Postcards From The Edge, I love it so much, and I think the beauty of that and She Devil was seeing Meryl for the first time be funny, we’ve never seen her be funny before that and yeah so that was really exciting. Of course I love everything she does, I mean honestly.
Have you met her?
Yes, I’ve met her and I weeped noticeably.
Total fan moment.
Once I met her and I was complimenting her because we were working, it was the 50th anniversary of the public theater, it was a big show. She did Sodomy from Hair, she came off stage, because she was nervous in rehearsal, I said “see I told you, you were gonna be great, you’re a great singer Meryl” and she went, “Oh Lea,” and she kissed me on my cheek and if you look really closely you can see that I’ve never washed … 10 years and I still have Meryl Streep lips here on my cheek.
So let’s talk a little bit about season 3 of Orange is the New Black. It was such a big season, we got to see a lot of your character, tell me a bit about that.
That was exciting right? Yeah, they’re great. I think of them the way that Lost was done, it’s like characters eb and flow and everybody gets to work but sometimes you’re gone a couple episodes and then you come back,you know what I mean? And people go “oh yeah, remember that person” and it’s really kind of interesting the way they write it. So I was there and then I went away and then I came back.
We got to see little bit of a softer side of your character this season.
Yeah, I think because she found that friendship with Pennsatucky so it kept her in touch with the softer side of Boo, also because of what was going on with Pennsatucky you know, I think Boo found herself in a place where you know she had to show love and she had to deal with this asshole you know and all of that. And not to mention her back story, I mean you know they gave me as an actor so much in that story it was brilliant.
We just saw Taryn Manning DJ’ing this past weekend in the Hampton. What do you think about her music?
T-Money, rock on T-Money!
Jennifer Esposito
So tell us what brings you out tonight?
I love Meryl Streep and it was a night to be with my sister and my niece.
And have you met Meryl before?
Very, very briefly, she would never remember but yeah very briefly.
Are you a fan of rock n’ roll music?
Absolutely and Rick Springfield, I mean Rick Springfield my God come on!
And tell us a little bit about Mistresses, you’re new to the season. How’s that going?
It’s done! It’s done, for me, the filming. Yeah it was interesting, it was fun!
Was it weird going into a cast that had already been set up for a couple seasons?
Yeah, definitely, you know it’s always tricky, it was only 4 months, it was quick, it was fine.