All In: The Fight for Democracy explores America’s history with voter suppression. In the Amazon Studios roll-out, director-producers Lisa Cortés and Liz Garbus inquire who is “we” in “We the People?” In an exclusive video interview with The Knockturnal, the two reveal America’s response prior to the film’s Sept. 18 release.
Presidential Election
After fielding hundreds of calls a day in regards to difficulties registering to vote for the April 19 New York primary, and investigating the purging of 126,000 voters from rolls, an official of the NY Board of Elections was suspended pending investigation.
The actress made for a pleasant detainee.
The campaign estimated over 27,000 people crowded into Washington Square Park in New York City last night to see Senator Sanders speak below the historic arch, beating the estimated 24,000 that attended then Senator Obama’s rally in 2007.
Simon & Schuster will publish A Child’s First Book of Trump on July 12.
Apparently, he’s rescuing a bull who escaped as he was being taken to a slaughterhouse and was recaptured on the streets of Queens in New York.