Leading up to the Academy Awards on March 10th, South Asian leaders from film gathered for the annual “South Asians at the Oscars” Pre-Oscar Party. Co-hosted by icons in the South Asian scene such as Kal Penn, Lilly Singh, Hannah Simone, Tan France, Utkarsh Ambudkar, Rupi Kaur, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Shruti Ganguly, Anita Chatterjee, and Archana Jain.
lilly singh
Universal Pictures hosted a private screening for ‘The Bad Guys’ Wednesday night at The Grove in Los Angeles.
Lilly Singh, Anthony Ramos, Zazie Beetz and Marc Aaron Celebrate at the LA Red Carpet Premiere of The Bad Guys
by Parris Rose
written by Parris Rose
DreamWorks Animation presents a new comedy action film, The Bad Guys based on the New York Times best-selling book series.
We love to party here at The Knockturnal, but it’s even better when we get to party with a purpose!