Eight-time GRAMMY® Award-nominated, multi-platinum singer, songwriter, designer, and philanthropist Avril Lavigne recently announced her first ever alcohol partnership with ready-to-drink cocktail brand BeatBox, donned ‘The World’s Tastiest Party Punch.”
The live music capital of the world, also known as Austin, Texas, never seems to fail us when it comes to throwing amazing parties. This past weekend, ‘Austin Elevates‘ presented by Thomas J. Henry brought incredible performances by G-Eazy, Daddy Yankee, Kygo and 88Glam. This free event benefited local nonprofit organizations such as The SAFE Alliance, Superhero Kids and St. David’s Foundation Community Fund.
Singer Lerumo is an up-and-coming sensation out of Massachusetts riding a wave thanks to his recent single, “Infectious”. Ready to continue rising, Lerumo returns with another catchy follow up in the new single, “Love is a Drug”.