Paramount+ celebrated the ‘The Stallone Family’ reality show at the Torrisi restaurant. The new series featured Sylvester, Jennifer, and their daughters’ daily lives. The first episode premiered on May 17. The show is on Paramount+ and free on Prime Video.
In the series premiere, Sylvester returned from a road trip for the new show ‘Tulsa King.’ He rejoined his family in their luxurious California home. Daughters Sophia, Sistine, and Scarlett told stories of growing up with a celebrity father. Also, they decided to prank him on his birthday.
The series featured the Stallones as themselves. Sylvester and his wife, Jennifer, revealed some ups and downs of their marriage. In a hilarious moment, she told her husband about the fifteen pints of ice cream at home. Sylvester said, “sold,” and that he loved his wife. Later, Jennifer discussed her opinion on his arrival.
Jennifer said that she had butterflies about her husband’s return. Her daughters found this adorable. Jennifer revealed how she loved spending time with Sylvester. The episode showed old home videos of them at the beach and barbecuing. She said, “To me, family is everything.”
Each daughter discussed their role in the Stallone family. The episode combined glamorous present-day wide shots and childhood pictures. Sylvester described his oldest daughter Sophia as comforting. Middle daughter Sistine loved being the middle child, saying, “I get to have the best of both worlds.” The sisters described their youngest daughter, Scarlett, as unpredictable. “She is the funniest person ever,” said Sistine.
The show featured wide shots of their elegant house. The interior contained a neutral color scheme with blue accents. Vibrant, green plants adorned the rooms. In certain profile shots, an adorable white dog lounged next to the family members. The premiere party had similar refined themes.
Guests sipped glamorous cocktails from a specialty menu. ‘The Heart’ consisted of prosecco, rhubarb, aperol, and peach. ‘The Risktaker’ featured tequila, orange liquor, cinnamon, and grapefruit. ‘The Scene Stealer’ featured vodka, raspberry, ginger, and lime. The event had lovely desserts as well.
The almond cheesecake and mint Milano cookies delighted guests. Waiters served elegant rainbow cookies and chocolate hazelnut tarts. Other treats included tiramisu, cupcakes, and cannolis.