“Magic Mike XXL,” the sequel to the hit 2012 movie Magic Mike, is in one word: brilliant.
It is everything a sequel should be and more. Starring Channing Tatum, Matt Bomer, Adam Rodriguez and Joe Manganiello, this movie follows the group of male strippers as they make their way to the stripping convention in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The group of men are determined to win big at the convention, seeing as this will be the last time they are performing together.
True, the movie’s entire purpose is to show off some incredible male bodies, and make explicit sex jokes for pure fun. But that’s exactly what makes this movie so enjoyable. The entire audience is laughing from start to finish, yet still cares about each characters storyline and what happens to them. This sequel finds the perfect balance of humor, sex and heart, making it a must-see of this summer. One of the standouts is actor Joe Manganiello, who steals the entire movie in one single scene. He walks into a gas station convenience store and dances to the Backstreet Boys, in order to woo a young cashier. Manganiello commits fully to the entire scene, making his character full of humor and heart, while staying in line with the movie’s sexy tone. Added to the cast, are actors Jada Pinkett Smith and Donald Glover, both of which bring a new level of ambition to the film. No spoilers here, but watch out for the “Rome” scene… truly fascinating and entertaining throughout.
The music is incredible as well, ranging from Bruno Mars covers, to “Candy Shop” classic rap. If you want a feel-good movie, that makes you laugh until you cry, this is the movie for you.
Magic Mike opens July 1, 2015 in theaters.