The end of September marked the beginning of the New York Film Festival at Lincoln Center in New York City. On Sunday, September 30, Director Alex Ross Perry premiered his new film, Her Smell, starring Emmy award-winning actress Elisabeth Moss at Alice Tully Hall. Moss was a stunning vision wearing a silver metallic Dior dress.
Perry has cast Elisabeth Moss before in leading roles, and the dramatic film marks their third time working together. Gayle Rankin (Glow) and Eric Stoltz (Madam Secretary) were also cast with versatile, challenging roles, and both at the premiere.
Her Smell follows self-destructive punk rocker Becky Something (Elisabeth Moss) as she tries to overcome addiction and rediscover music to help her band gain more success in a new age.
“I love working with him [Alex Ross Perry],” says Moss. “He writes incredible female characters, so anytime somebody comes to you that you’ve worked with before and say that they wanna write something for you specifically, you usually say yes.”
Moss’s character in Her Smell is unlike other roles she’s taken on. This film will mark the first time Moss will be seen singing on screen and playing an addict. “I think Alex was trying to write something that I would find almost impossible to do and he did it,” Moss added. “He was trying to challenge me and trying to make me go further than I’ve ever gone.”
In a recently released teaser, Moss is seen unraveling backstage to her bandmates and mother played by Virginia Madsen (Designated Survivor). Moss’s portrayal of a struggling addict is played out with depth. Moss describes her relationship with Madsen in the film as “a person that knows her better than anyone, and that is terrifying for Becky and makes her feel incredibly vulnerable.”
Moss adds that the audience can connect to the film on different levels of intensity, it shows the effects of what being a Rockstar and an addict can be, and how it affects the relationships around her character.