Grammy Award-nominated hip hop icon and actress Da Brat has found love with haircare mogul and entrepreneur Jesseca “Judy” Dupart, and the couple is sharing their love and journey on the new WeTV reality series Brat Loves Judy. The couple recently spoke to The Knockturnal about their relationship and sharing their love with the world and how they make each other better.
After coming out as a member of the LQBTQ community, Da Brat and Judy publicly appeared together on WeTV’s hit reality series Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta. Speaking on what drew them together Da Brat spoke about being drawn to Judy after seeing her on social media, while Judy interjected, “She came to visit me on one of my [educational] tour stops, and then she was like we should hang later and from there I was like okay,” Da Brat replied to Judy saying, “She just don’t wanna say she had a crush on me her whole life,”.
While dating a massive superstar might seem intimidating, and the possibility might seem out of reach, Judy said,” She surprised me she opened the door because she was very friendly,”.Once getting past the challenge of matching with a celebrity there is also the subsequent challenge of the relationship being under the microscope of the public eye. Both ladies stressed that the importance of communication is key especially giving the circumstance of being in the public eye.”Being on a public platform and being all over the internet people are gonna say things. So as long as you are communicating and open with your significant other, there should be nothing that can be said that can get in between ya’ll because ya’ll have been very honest with each other,” Judy said
A relationship where the partnership can help make one another better is ideal. “For me, I’m a person that gives people a whole bunch of different chances and being in a relationship with her seeing how she isn’t the kind of person who gives people three, four and five chances, she’s helped me be a little more stern in handling business which is actually great.” Judy said. ” And she’s helped me not be so stern,” Brat interjected. “She’s softened me up a little bit and I hardened her up a little bit,” Brat added
Da Brat said, “We want people to take away that in success and love you can be great as long as you communicate and trust each other and let go of all insecurities, be vulnerable if you have to, and live in your truth.” Brat Loves Judy airs Thursdays at 9 PM on WeTV.