Sabaya is a documentary produced by Hogir Hirori and Antonio Russo Merenda, and it is about the fight that two brave men, along with their colleagues and family, face when rescuing Yazidi women from ISIS in Syria.
‘For Sama’ Is An Intimate and Epic Journey Into the Female Experience of War
This powerful documentary engages the audience in the horrors of the Syrian Civil War and the Siege of Aleppo.
Film Review: ‘Human Flow’ is a Staggering, Stomach Turning Look at the Refugee Crisis
The documentary is the latest film work of Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei
“Cries from Syria” is a depressing yet sincere look at the resilience of the human spirit.
“Creating Room for people is not only doable, it is a moral imperative,” said Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie last night at the United Nation’s World Humanitarian Day Gala in New York.
A Russian military helicopter was shot down in Syria’s Idlib province, a rebel-held area, on Monday, killing all five people in the helicopter.
According to a leaked U.S. proposal, the United States will offer Russia a military pact against the Islamic State and al-Qaida in Syria.
According to the U.S. Refugee Agency, over 700 migrants are feared to have perished after a failed attempt to cross the Mediterranean Sea.
Greek police officers have been sent to Idomeni, the largest informal refugee camp in Greece, to reinforce its evacuation.
Two coastal cities in Syria, Tartus and Jableh, were subject to explosions which killed more than 80 people and wounded 200 others.