In the new film Father Figures, Owen Wilson and Ed Helms star as fraternal twin brothers who discover that their mother (Glenn Close) has been lying to them for years — their father isn’t dead like she told them, but instead she doesn’t know who he is. Thus the brothers embark on a road trip to find their real dad. JK Simmons, Ving Rhames, Terry Bradshaw, Katt Williams and Christopher Walken co-star.
Katt Williams
Owen Wilson, Ed Helms, Katt Williams, and half a dozen other legends together in one film. What could go wrong?
On Thursday night at the Staples Center in the heart of downtown LA, the BET Experience showcased two of comedy’s funniest entertainers: Mike Epps and Katt Williams. Everyone in attendance was ready to laugh, from out of towners sporting all white to locals looking cool with drinks in hand to paparazzi friendly celebrities with shades on.