On Wednesday, November 6th, celebrities made their way down the red carpet and into Gotham Hall for the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance’s Style Lab. The huge event hosted by Kate Mara and Maggie Gyllenhaal featured a “Shop My Closet” celebrity wardrobe auction, discounts on luxury designer wear, and a live performance from En Vogue.
Kate Mara
Kate Mara Celebrates Dawn’s 40th Year of Saving Wildlife And Animal Activism [Interview]
2018 marks 40 years since dishwashing soap brand Dawn began a partnership with California-based wildlife rescue rehabilitation centers International Bird Rescue and The Marine Mammal Center.
On Wednesday, Nov. 15th, The Knockturnal swayed to HAIM’s set along with DJ Kindness at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum’s after hours pre-party for the 2017 Guggenheim International Gala presented by Dior.
Monday night, cast members Kate Mara and Common joined director Gabriela Cowperthwaite and film subject, Megan Leavey for the world premiere of Megan Leavey, a film based on the relationship between a marine and her military dog. Before joining a group of nearly 500 people who also came to watch the screening at Yankee stadium, they spoke about their initial reactions to the script and filming with a crew mostly consisting of woman.
Luke Scott takes after his father, but the result is a generic and all too predictable piece of AI fiction.
With a new cast and a new director, Fox looks to breathe some life into the franchise they quite haven’t been able to crack.