Inspired by the hit Dreamworks film, ‘Boss Baby’, Charlotte, North Carolina’s own DaBaby (Baby Jesus) unveils the fifth installment of his popular series, titled, ‘Baby Talk 5’.
‘Baby Talk 5’ is filled with slick metaphors, attitude, and grit. Showing a side of North Carolina that the mainstream has yet to see. While not as lyrical as Cole World, DaBaby matches the fellow native with a signature charm and charisma that shows growth and eager to transcend into his OGs equal. The new album’s breakout tracks include, “For the Baby”, “Tax Time”, and “No Love”.
With J. Cole establishing dominance in today’s music with the state already on his back and ready to pass the torch. DaBaby is the name that many of the statesmen are hailing to continue the race. His new project is the turning point of his career from indie sensation to new sensation.
Listen to ‘Baby Talk 5’ below, courtesy of Spotify.