A needed reminder of what we can be like at our most human, anyone feeling despondent about the state of the world should rush to see ‘Amazing Grace,’
Nial Buford
A cast of utterly lovable people in a movie that’s frustratingly difficult to love.
A whirlwind performance leads Pawel Pawlikowski’s new film into poignancy.
A loving-to-a-fault follow-up to ‘Moonlight’ from Barry Jenkins.
Damien Chazelle presents an earnest biopic, in every sense.
Blood lost. Life found.
Paolo Sorrentino moves away from cynicism in “Youth.”
It’s the notes Don Cheadle doesn’t worry about playing that makes ‘Miles Ahead’ feel so fresh.
It’s the world’s turn to save Matt Damon.
The shortcomings of ‘Grandma’ as a movie make whatever revelations it may possess sadly unconvincing.
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