Menswears brand, Cubavera unveiled its 2018 Resort Collection on Tuesday, June 6th. The Cuban brother-designer duo held an exclusive dinner at Midtown’s Victor’s Cafe to celebrate the new collection along with the brand’s collaboration with Cuban artist, Oscar Matienzo. Matienzo updated Cubavera’s staple guayabera or 4-pocket tropical linen shirt with vibrant prints. Designed in varying shades of blue, Matienzo found inspiration from Cuban folklore and the gregarious nature of the Cuban people themselves. This collaboration was a nod to the designers mission to work with local artists to showcase modern Cuba while paying homage to Cuba’s history and spirit.
The brand wants to introduce Cuba to shoppers worldwide, showcasing how the country has changed due to international influences. The venue reflected this concept. Victor’s Cafe, one of New York’s most prominent Cuban restaurants, presents a rich menu presenting Cuban classic dishes along with modern updates and innovative recipes. The collection itself is fun and effortless; the pieces can go from day to night easily, perfect for the upcoming humid New York summer. Cubavera’s mission is simple: it invites its customers to Live the Good Life: “looking great, feeling cool, and putting a little Latin ritmo and tropical sabor into every day, no matter who or where you are.”
The Matienzo Collab is now online; our favorites include the Banana Leaf Mini Print Shirt and the Slim Fit Island Musica Mini Print Shirt. Need a Father’s Day present? Cubavera is running a 40% off sale on the entire site, visit the site to take advantage of the promo.