The Outlaws (2022) is a new comedy series set to premiere on Prime Video and The Knockturnal got to chat with some of the cast and crew! This show follows seven completely different strangers who have all committed crimes and will have to complete a community service program.
Steven Merchant and Elgin James wrote the series together and they explained how the show came about in the first place. Elgin expresses this script was created during the Trump era when the world felt divided and triggered all the time. “On the outside, we look very different and come from different backgrounds but we actually have so much in common.” Steven chimes in and adds “This show gives you the opportunity to try to get into the headspace of these different characters.”
We also interviewed some of the cast members about the characters they portray in the series. Gamba Cole plays the role of “Christian” who is a security guard for a nightclub and also is a caretaker for his sister. Rhianne Barreto plays “Rani” who’s an intelligent young woman that got into Oxford University but ended up doing mischievous things that landed her in the community service program.
As the viewers continue watching the series, we get to explore more about the characters in each episode which will eventually lead to a plot twist none of us saw coming.
The Outlaws is premiering on Prime Video starting April 1st!