False Positive (2021) directed by John Lee and written by Lee and Ilana Glazer, and story by Alissa Nutting, premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in their Spotlight Narrative section.
The film follows Lucy (Ilana Glazer) and her husband Adrian (Justin Theroux) as their struggle to get pregnant continues. Adrian, a doctor, suggests they visit his old teacher Dr. Hindle (Pierce Brosnan) who happens to be one of the best fertility doctors in the country. Soon, Dr.Hindle’s special fertility treatment works and Lucy becomes pregnant. Initially, a joyful experience, as she continues to be seen by Dr. Hindle, she grows increasingly paranoid and suspicious of the doctor, a concern she shares with another mom-to-be and friend, Corgan (Sophia Bush). Lucy also fixates on a midwife she comes across Grace (Zainab Jah). What follows is a wicked web of unending questions reminiscent of Rosemary’s Baby, that leads Lucy to uncover the truth behind Dr. Hindle and his practice.
The film premieres on Hulu, Friday, June 25th.