I open this review of Power Book IV: Force with three words. That is, what the hell?!
That was my reaction upon seeing Gloria being gunned down during the drive by attempt towards Vic. It is a shame because Gloria is one of my favorites on Force and there was so much more they could have done with that character.It was way too soon to kill her off and I have a feeling they did this to progress Vic’s plot further. This did not need to come at Gloria’s expense of life however. . I do also believe that the corrupt cop that is working for Vic will eventually end up dead.
Jenard was not smart this week. He not only stolen Tommy’s product, but he also killed the jewish drug dealer as well. Jenard is leaving so much evidence for Tommy or Claudia to finally find out that he is the one that is backstabbing him. The scene of Tommy in his apartment looking at old videos of him and Kate was tense. I thought someone was going to attack him from behind. Kate made her surprise return at the end of this week’s Power Book IV: Force so lets see where the story goes with her.
Speaking of family matters, Vic should have left Chicago sooner after Tommy warned him, Walter is starting to lose power, and Claudia should have not went to see Diamond. The Flynn family is setting themselves up for danger as the season is coming to a close.
Diamond learned that Adrienne is on to him. What this means for their relationship, I have no clue as of right now. I do want to see these two build chemistry. Next week is the second to last episode of the season. I think I can speak for everyone and say that Tommy, JD, and Kate will have some hilarious dialogue when they are on screen together!