It’s no surprise the world has gotten a kick out of “Cobra Kai” and the long-awaited season three is sure to make a powerful entrance.
Mary Mouser plays “Sam” the daughter of Ralph Macchio’s “Daniel” in the series and says there’s a lot to look forward too. “I think season three is honestly my favorite season so far. I’m really excited for fans to see how excellently our writers handle the nostalgia, bringing that into season three.”
Fans know season three ended on an epic cliffhanger and are anxious to see what happens next to their favorite action-packed characters. “The biggest takeaway from me from season three is that there is hell to pay for everybody. There’s a lot of repercussions for having an all out karate brawl.”
Mary’s character “Sam” is a popular, yet fierce girl with some jaw-dropping karate moves, something that took a lot of prep. “As soon as I’m finished watching a season I start getting in my stance and punching!” She explains, “I had no experience going into this with any kind of fight, so this has been quite the learning curve for me.” Impressive as she looks like she could take anyone down!
It’s safe to say a new generation of Karate Kid fans have been reborn with Cobra Kai, one that’s had their eyes on Mary Mouser. “I love my job so very much that I do it with my full heart and I try my hardest to create a character that younger me needed and could have looked up to.”
Mary Mouser is truly a hero on screen and in real-life. You can catch her in season three of Cobra Kai, streaming on Netflix January 1st, 2021.