Interested in seeing a melodrama with a surprising twist? Then “The Violent Heart” is your movie to watch.
The indie film The Violent Heart hooks you in from the very beginning and sweeps you in so you can put the missing pieces together. It had its world premiere at the Deauville Film Festival on September 9, 2020. However, director Kerem Sanga is not new to creating indie film magic. This is actually his third film, following two indie films (First Girl I loved, The Young Kieslowski) that premiered in the Sundance Film Festival and Los Angeles Film Festival with great reviews for each film. The Violent Heart was actually in the making way before his two other indie creations. It was a story dear to his heart but a story that he thought was not possible to create. Ultimately, with the support of others, he was able to bring the story to life.
It seems like this indie film is a coming of age Romeo and Juliet for the current generation, and its main character Daniel played by Jovan Adepo, is very layered opposite that of Cassie played by Grace Van Patten. It is undeniable that, no matter how opposite Daniel and Cassie are, there is an undeniable attraction towards each other. Although, no matter how strong the attraction is, it eventually leads to an explosive truth that many would not see coming. There are secrets and lies that are buried in the surface between the two lovers and the audience is left putting the pieces of the broken puzzle together.
The film also features a dynamic supporting cast including Mary J. Blige, Kimberly Williams- Paisley, and Lukas Haas.
The Violent Heart premieres on February 19th in theaters and on demand.