Among the talented designers who showcased their latest creations during New York Fashion Week, this past February was Wang Tao, hailed as “the Queen of the Suit.”
Taoray Wang
Taoray Wang’s Spring/Summer is imagined through a story of ‘Wild Beauty, Intractable Myth.’
Wang Tao Explores Eternal Beauty With Suiting at Taoray Wang Fall/Winter 2019
Eternity was the inspiration behind the Taoray Wang Fall/Winter 2019 show at New York Fashion Week.
Designer Wang Tao created quite the stir at her Fall/Winter 17 show for Taoray Wang this season, when Tiffany Trump and her mother Marla Maples appeared front row wearing the brand. The show itself began approximately 45 minutes late, as press, photographers, and gawkers crowded around the duo to get a closer look.
One of my favorite events of the year is NYFW wear the industry insiders get a sneak peak of what we will all be wearing the following season.
The United States market may not be accustomed to the intricate construction techniques of Taoray Wang yet, but that’s because she hasn’t officially released her line in the States yet. Wang Tao is a legendary Chinese designer who has opened new doors in Women’s fashion within her own country, and is now attempting to migrate her influence out West.