In “Dreamland,” a teenager’s adventures as a bounty hunter takes an unexpected twist. Cast members Margot Robbie, Finn Cole and Darby Camp walked the red carpet the Tribeca Film Festival premiere.
Miles Joris-Peyrafitte
Tribeca Film Festival Review: Margot Robbie Plays Murderous Bank Robber in ‘Dreamland’
written by Chantell Hayden
Dreamland is amongst the dozens of films that debuted at the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival this week. It stars Margot Robbie (I, Tonya, Suicide Squad), alongside her co-stars Finn Cole, Darby Camp and Stephen Dinh, walked the red carpet on Monday at the world premiere of the film. It also stars Travis Fimmel (Vikings) and Kerry Condon (HBO’s Rome).