Joslyn Rose Lyons will make her directorial debut with Showtime’s Sports Documentary STAND, scheduled to air in early 2023.
Mahershala Ali
On The Scene: ‘We Are The Dream: The Kids of The Oakland’ MLK Oratorical Fest Premiere
by Ramya Kuppa
written by Ramya Kuppa
On February 11th, HBO screened “WE ARE THE DREAM: THE KIDS OF THE OAKLAND MLK ORATORICAL FEST” under the historical roof of the Fox Theater in Oakland.
Exclusive: Cast Talks ‘Green Book’ At NY Premiere Presented by Cadillac
by Liam Haber
written by Liam Haber
Talking with Viggo Mortensen and other cast and crew members on the carpet at the Green Book premiere presented by Cadillac.
A role reversed ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ with a black passenger and a white driver, the attempts at commentary of ‘Green Book’ feel artificial and insincere.