On October 23, 2020, Hulu will release the film “Bad Hair.”
The horror film, in many ways shows a true fear and in some cases nightmare, Black women in the professional world have: needing to relax, press, or wear a sew-in to have a career. Anna’s dreams to make it in the music industry comes at a cost, her natural hair. However, after getting her sew in it is revealed that her new weave and ticket to mobility has a mind of its own.
Jay Pharoah plays Julius in the film Bad Hair. When discussing the struggles of being natural in the 90s Jay addressed the social pressures to assimilate placed on Black women at that time in order to be perceived as desirable not just in their professional lives but in their social and dating lives as well. They were often pressured to get their hair pressed, wear a lace front, or relaxer. Jay is in many ways a true ally to Black women not only by supporting them but by sharing the message that all Black is beautiful. He also is pushing to protect Black women because they are overwhelmingly the most unprotected figure in America. His desire to protect Black women isn’t new for the SNL star because it is something he has been advocating for before Megan Thee Stallion said it during her SNL performance. Jay’s allyship to Black women is not only authentic but has been a part of his life and brand since the beginning.
There is something very relatable while simultaneously haunting about the film because it is a horror story rooted in not just truth but it is our truth. In many ways, Jay’s awareness of Black culture in the 90s and ability to discuss texturism and colorism aids in his execution of his role as Julius while simultaneously providing comedic relief.