Who Killed Sara, created by José Ignacio Valenzuela, is a new Agatha Christie-esque murder mystery thriller coming to Netflix. The suspenseful plot is centered around Alejandro Guzman (Manolo Cardona) who is wrongfully accused of his sister’s death. After being forced to serve time in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, Alejandro aka Alex is released 18 years later and is ready to seek revenge against the Lazcano family. As the story unfolds, we learn more about the Lazcano’s, and see Elisa Lazcano (Carolina Miranda), the youngest member family, become suspicious of her family’s involvement with Sara’s death.
When asked what intrigued Cardona about this role, he says Who Killed Sara? had “all of the ingredients” to want to sign on. Cardona, who some of you may recognize from Netflix’s Narcos, is no stranger to intense scenes or an action-packed script. Like the title suggests, audience members will be invested in finding out the details of the murder as they watch to solve the mystery. Unlike the audience, the cast wasn’t left in the dark with who did the deed, but they were surprised when figuring out the truth behind Sara’s tragic death.
“It was a shock moment,” Cardona said. “When I was reading the script, I realized and was like what!”
He says the audience will be just as surprised as he was.
Meanwhile, Miranda says her character quickly became curious about her family’s past when she thinks back to Sara’s death as she was only a child when the incident took place. Now that Alex is out of jail, she wants to uncover the truth and finds herself in compromising situations.“You think you know your family… but it’s so complicated to know who your family is right now,” said Miranda.
Although the audience will have their own theories about who did what, Cardona says as each episode progresses, it gets trickier to pinpoint the details of the murder. “When you think one character is getting in the dark… another character is in the light.” Looks like we have no choice but to watch to find out who killed Sara after all.
Who Killed Sara? is available for streaming on Netflix, March 24th.