JNA Debut’s Unreleased Single “Heavy Weapons” at Birthday Bash

June 11, 2021-  JO Records artist and Harlem natives, JNA previewed their unreleased single as they celebrated their birthday Friday night. JNA, which is an abbreviation of Jonny and Aaron- are twins that recently went viral on Tik Tok and have set their sights on making a mark on the music industry.

The unreleased single, “Heavy Weapons” showed its potential as the room erupted during the live performance. The melodic tone along with their stage presence and excitement to share their music captivated everyone in attendance. To those that were unfamiliar with JNA and how they started their music career, you would think that they are 5 years deep rather than on the cusp of the beginning.

When asking JNA about how they began, they were honest and direct,

“We were invested in a couple other things for a while- Basketball and Modeling, however when the pandemic hit- we had some free time that we did not have before. So we began playing music and before you know it- we were hooked and wanted to really see where we could go with it.” 

The Twins continued to elaborate on what exactly fuels their music,

“Life experiences, we make music based on the perspective of the things that we both have gone through in our lives- relationships, ups and downs, family. We want to make music that can go World Wide- something everyone can listen to and relate to.”

As the night unfolded, it was clear that everyone in attendance not only was rooting for JNA but also believed that they have potential to go far within the music industry. When speaking to JO Records President Jeremiah Campbell- he detailed his personal thoughts on not only the unreleased single but JNA as a whole

“In terms of the single, it has potential to go viral worldwide in my opinion but JNA as they grow as men and as artists they have a real opportunity to make a lasting impression. They are only going to get better with time.”

While it seems JNA has a long path ahead of them, they seem to be well equipped to handle whatever comes their way.

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