Exclusive: Interview With Nickelodeon Star Jace Norman

From normalcy to the extraordinary, regular student to ultimate sidekick, comes the adventures of one Kid Danger, a character that, along with his colleague Captain Man, truly makes for an interesting dynamic.

And today, we’re graced with his heroic presence. From Nickelodeon’s Henry Danger, arrives Jace Norman, the leading personality of the show. The Knockturnal got an exclusive interview with Norman describing the intricacies behind Henry Danger, his acting career, the upcoming crossover episode with The Thundermans and more.

Why did you become an actor?

Norman: Me and my brother — we used to make videos in our backyard — just like little, home videos. I have always wanted to be in the film industry, in the TV industry and just like do behind-the-scenes. I tried acting school once and I didn’t like it. But me and my brother found this thing called “Proscout”. It’s one of those things you think is gonna be a scam — and it probably was — but we did it and we begged our parents to go and we talked to this guy; he was like “yeah, sure — I like you guys,” and he just let us come out to Arizona to see agents.

What has been your biggest challenge so far in your acting career?

Norman: I think the biggest challenge for me was leaving school for the first time and doing that — because I was originally going to school and auditioning for stuff, but once I started getting more and more, I had to leave and do this stuff. And that was the hardest because it was like leaving my old life behind. I go to online school. Whenever we’re not on set, we’re doing school.

Anybody that inspires you? In regards to acting or life in general?

Norman: I think my dad just inspires me with life in general. My dad’s been through a lot and has done a lot of stuff that I can always look to. Like, if I’m ever going through hard times. He’s been through so many hardships that I can kinda like look through him and see what he’s done. He also gives me great advice.  

How was your experience with past shows, such as Jessie?

Norman: That was the first thing that I got; it was my first audition, actually. So I was so new to it, and everything was just like brand new, and all these things and people are brand new, so I was just there for the ride basically. It was just weird and I loved it. I literally just went from living in San Diego, going to school , to being on a TV set, so it was definitely a learning curve for sure.  

Henry Danger will have a fun crossover episode with guest stars from The Thundermans, Jack Griffio and Kira Kosarin. Tell us about it.

Norman: It’s just the two shows coming together for one hour; it’s our biggest show, the budget was insane for it, and we just did the craziest stuff on it, especially for multi-cam. One of the scenes is on top of a train — with stunts and stuff — and helicopters. It’s insane, it was so fun to shoot. It was cool because I was actually on their show before I was on Henry Danger — and so it’s cool for them to come over.

If you had the opportunity to be an actual superhero, what powers would you have? Where in the world would you be based?

Norman: I don’t know; probably somewhere on a beach — probably like Fiji or Maoi. Somewhere I could just relax. No powers. I’d be a lame superhero.

How excited are you that the show is renewed for a third season?

Norman: I was so excited. It’s just fun to get back into it. We’ve all become a family so it’d be so sad once we got so close that we’d break up. So yeah, I’m really excited. 

“Danger & Thunder”

Premieres: Saturday, June 18 at 8p ET/PT

Captain Man (Cooper Barnes), Kid Danger (Jace Norman) & Phoebe Thunderman (Kira Kosarin) infiltrate a secret villain meeting in Swellview where the villains plan to destroy Captain Man and Kid Danger. At the meeting Phoebe discovers an unexpected attendee, her brother Max (Jack Griffo).

Guest Stars: Jack Griffo & Kira Kosarin

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