We got the exclusive on the new Star Trek exhibit at the Intrepid Museum.
To commemorate Star Trek’s 50th anniversary, the intrepid museum has created an all new exhibit, “the first in the United States to host immersive Trek Tech” with academy training. Before embarking on your journey you begin by strapping on a trainee wristband which will monitor your growth and experience throughout your journey. As you move through each of the nine different sections including medicine, engineering, navigation and many more, you will engage in simulations and trainings that help prepare you. After completing the activities and scanning your wristband as you go, you’ll come out the other end knowing your area of focus. We checked out the exhibit first hand to give you the full scoop of what to expect once you begin training.
During your training you can choose to participate in a variety of activities such as diagnosing a sick Klingon, battle and flight simulations, the Kobayashi Maru test, beaming from one side of the room to the other etc. During our private tour our guide Mike Murtagh mentioned that “throughout the exhibit there is an emphasis on the idea that there are technologies being developed today are very reminiscent of Star Trek, take 3D printing.” The exhibit also features rare memorabilia such as original uniforms worn by cast members.
We asked Mike what makes this Star Trek exhibit distinct from other’s before it?
It’s in universe, it’s not just a display of props and information, once you step in, as far as you’re concerned you are at career day at Starfleet Academy, you’re getting a taste of what it must have been like for all the different characters on Star Trek, by being immersed in that, it’s probably every fan’s dream. In the last room you step into the bridge of the Enterprise for the Kobayashi Maru test.
Star Trek Beyond hits theaters this Friday.