Believe it or not, “No Hard Feelings” was inspired by a Craigslist AD.
Yes the same Craigslist that you found your perfectly comfortable yet potentially stained vintage couch. Believe it or not, Craigslist is a smash hit for jobs, cool vintage pieces, and even advertisements for dating. Yes, I am aware that there are so many dedicated dating sites, but if you want to think outside the box, Craigslist is a sure winner.
Director Gene Stupnitsky, told me that this film was inspired by a Craigslist AD that he saw a few years ago. Very similar premise to the new comedy “No Hard Feelings”. Parents looking to help their awkwardly yet handsome 19 year old son get a date. In the case of “No Hard Feelings” the awkward yet handsome son is played by up and coming star Andrew Barth Feldman and his wealthy parents played by Matthew Broderick and Tony award winner Laura Benanti. Although wealth was able to buy their son a date, it did not prepare him for who he would be dating.
Producer and star of “No Hard Feelings” Jennifer Lawrence plays a young 30 something year old who is financially in need of money. She finds a Craigslist AD that can help change her financial situation, only if she is able to date their 19 year old son. Of course she pursues the opportunity. It would not be a comedy if she didn’t, am I right? However, what I was not internally right about is how funny the movie would actually be.
When I asked Gene what he would like the audience to take away from this movie, he said “just to have a good time”. A good time is exactly what everyone who sees this film will have. “No Hard Feelings” is in theaters now. Make sure you check our full interview up now.