Lebron James Gets Kendrick Lamar Music Using The Power of Twitter

There’s bureaucracy in everything. It’s a whole load of red tape to get anything done in this world.

Except, apparently, release an artist’s unpublished tracks. All Lebron had to do- Lebron, who isn’t even a rapper-, to get Kendrick Lamar’s untitled tracks released was send a public tweet.

Dangeroo Kipawaa later confirmed on VINE that James was getting us those tracks. It ‘s a strange world we live in when a basketball player can get a producer to release music via the power of social media. What does this speak to? Is hip-hop just a more casual atmosphere? Or does it speak to the way social media now holds people accountable in a way regular press never did? Social media is interactive, public, and immediate. With that tweet, Lebron James had thousands of people commenting, backing him up, directing this demand at Kipawaa. He even responded that the fans together with James had “backed[him] into a corner”. While this may come as a victory for fans of Kendrick Lamar, it’s also a victory for the people in a way. For so long, celebrities were untouchable. Now we can yell at them at Twitter, annoy them on Instagram. It’s made the world much more public, and much more accessible to all of us.

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