Feelin’ Summer Ready – From the Inside Out!

Oh, sweet summer — the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the pools and beaches are calling your name! Some will reach for their bikinis, while others will grab their (gorgeous) cover-ups. But why do we always associate “summer” with losing weight, motivation to work out, or how we look? In a society that is always defining our beauty standards and telling us to “shred for summer,” let’s ditch the pressure to lose weight and focus on being healthy and feeling great this summer!

First things first! Let’s…

Hydrate: It can’t be said enough — water will give you endless benefits. Want more energy? Drink more water. Better skin and complexion? Chug, chug. Reduce that water retention and bloating? Try drinking more water. Feeling that brain fog? Fill that cup! Start upping your water levels now to experience all the benefits hydration brings!

Throw Out the Junk Food: Summer or not, the processed foods and fast foods should be tossed, or significantly limited. Not only will they keep you further away from your health and fitness goals, but they will leave you with low energy levels and a lack of nutrition. Instead, get your energy from fresh fruits and veggies (hello, summer-time smoothies!), lean protein sources, moderate healthy fats, and complex carbs for a healthy dose of macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Just Move Your Body: Find a workout or training style you like and let your body enjoy it! From boxing, pilates, or weight training, to HIIT (high intensity interval training) to barre to surfing — there is a form of movement made for everyone. If you need to start small, try a walk every evening or guided beginner’s yoga session or group class. Exercise gets your blood flowing, oxygen pumping, and endorphins flowing, leaving you with all the pride, confidence, and positivity at the end of your workout!

Rock That Swimsuit: That’s right! Whether it’s the one you’ve had your eye on to buy, or the one that’s been eye-ing you in your closet, grab your swimsuit and get outside! Sound intimidating? Take a second to appreciate your body, and remember that when you feel good inside, that energy and compassion resonate outwards. So put on the suit, feel proud, and go soak up a little Vitamin D or hit the water!

Secondly, remember that summer is about so much more than aesthetics. It’s about traveling, getting outdoors, enjoying cold and refreshing foods and beverages, and immersing yourself in a different season created by our amazing, natural world! So this summer, incorporate the action steps above — not for your “summer body” — but for your summer feeling!

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