Exclusive: Showrunner Ian Goldberg Talks Fear The Walking Dead’s Final Season Episode Structure

Ian Goldberg at Wonder Con's Fear the Walking Dead Panel Photo Credit: Julian Cannon

Back at Wonder Con, Fear The Walking Dead premiered its trailer of the final season at the show. The cast and showrunners also shared details on what to expect with the story along with a sneak peak of the first episode.

After this, The cast and the showrunners of the show attended the press invited conference to talk about the final season of Fear the Walking Dead with greater detail than what they could share on the panel due to time constraints. It was here when Ian Goldberg answered a few of my questions.

According to Ian Goldberg, show runner of Fear The Walking Dead, the 12 episode format gave room to conclude everyone’s story arch without stretching non-essential subplots for the final season. This was based off a question I asked about how they prepared the 12-episode format on a final season of a television show.

“For me and Andrew going into the season, we knew it was going to be the final season. And so that obviously informed a lot of the way that we were going to tell this story because obviously, we were thinking about honoring everything from season seven and there was a lot of story left to unpack,” said Goldberg, adding that it was about how they’ve got 12 episodes to bring these characters to their conclusions.

I also asked Goldberg the approach of making this season of Fear the Walking Dead’s split halves of 6 episode and whether this changed the character’s story per episode.

“We always approach every season as an A and B. And we’re building toward a conclusion at the end of eight episodes and then kind of throwing that to the back half. So the only real difference was that we did that with six and six as opposed to eight made. And otherwise it didn’t it didn’t really change the calculus that much,” said Goldberg.

And finally at the press conference, I asked Ian Goldberg on what they were looking forward to for this season from a showrunner’s point of view. He had this to say.

“What we got really excited about, was thinking about where the characters started on their journeys, whether it was on Fear or on Walking Dead and sort of charting that as we went to their conclusion and realized, in some cases, characters had moved past the sort of scars of their past. In a lot of cases they hadn’t. And it really became like that was how we really dug into how we were going to tell these stories by taking them back to their origins,” said Goldberg.

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