A new crime drama has joined the Netflix roster earlier this month. Stemming away from your usual cop vs. killer mold, Reckoning follows two fathers in a suburban community as they try to do what is best for their family.
Sam Trammell (who some might recognize from True Blood) plays Leo Doyle a high school counselor. While homicide detective Mike Serrato is played by Aden Young. Throughout the series, both family men battle their own inner demons. Both also show us a glimpse into the darkness of each of their minds. The only problem is one of them happens to be a serial killer.
“A lot of this show is a whodunnit, but most of it’s a why,” Trammell explained while speaking with The Knockturnal about the series. “I’ve never seen anything like it in any story in a novel or tv show or a movie.” Although filmed in Australia, the show takes place in Northern California where a local teen’s death raises suspicion on the return of the famed Russian River Killer. “The great thing about this show is that you see both perspectives. There’s a crime that’s been committed and you see the perspective of the criminal and the police. You see both. Which you don’t usually get in stories. You usually get one or the other,” Trammell said.
The 10-episode season answers enough questions to satisfy viewers, but according to Trammell creator David Hubbard already has a season 2 mapped out. If you’re looking for something new to binge on Netflix and you’re into crime shows or whodunnits then this is the show for you.