Exclusive: RobbieTheUsed AKA Bert McCracken Tackles Two Opposite Musical Worlds, by Doing the Most. Thriving in Both.

The Knockturnal sat down with RobbieTheUsed, aka Bert McCracken, to talk about his 40th birthday present to himself and his brand-new pop album, RobbieTheUsed. We discuss everything from family, musicals, and Robbie’s favorite artists right now to books, the best sparkling water, and eateries to hit up in New York City.

Robbie—or Bert, depending on the venue—is the lead singer of the American rock, emo, and post-hardcore band The Used. Robbie recently released a fully pop, dance album called RobbieTheUsed. The album has 12 songs and has been a dream of Robbie’s since he was 8 years old. It’s a completely different sound than his The Used songs. Robbie tackles both pop and rock worlds seamlessly by combining the two in a way you wouldn’t expect. He gives his fans the opportunity to enjoy both—Robbie and Bert.

Having seen Bert perform with The Used at the When We Were Young fest and then at the Gramercy Theater two weeks later as Robbie, it was clear he delivers big energy and exactly the show that the audience needs. It doesn’t matter if it’s a crowd of a hundred thousand or an intimate night with a couple hundred—Robbie delivers. No matter the stage, Robbie jumps, dances, and bounces around with the exact same excitement. A joy to watch in either setting. Another consistency is that no matter if he is Robbie or Bert, he’s likely going to flip the bird—but in a loving, “thank you for being here” kind of way.

Very often, when an artist changes musical genres, it’s about changing their image and starting a new chapter. That is not the case for Robbie. What we see and hear from RobbieTheUsed has always been there; Robbie is just finally ready to share it. That doesn’t mean big change is on the horizon, as this is a passion project. RobbieTheUsed is still very much the lead singer of The Used, Bert McCracken, and is gearing up for their twenty-fifth anniversary tour. In short, Bert isn’t going anywhere, and if Robbie has his way, we’ll see and hear more from him when the time is right. 

The Knockturnal: When did you know you wanted to make a solo album?

Robbie: When I was 8. I saw Michael Jackson on MTV, and I was like, that is unreal.

The Knockturnal: How did the timelines align in terms of now? You are still doing a lot with The Used, and you were just at the When We Were Young festival. You also have The Used’s 25-year anniversary coming up. How does that work with timeline and scheduling?

Robbie: Usually we fit some time in after a thing. So we would go into recording with The Used for a week. I’ll finish this tour and stay for an extra week.

The Knockturnal: This album has a lot of different emotions. With “Gladiator,” it’s, “I’m a god,” and then with “Wake Up Call,” it’s like a medley of emotions throughout the album. Was that on purpose?

Robbie: Yeah, I go in to record, and it’s like a little mini therapy session. We sit down and talk about how we’re feeling that day. Sometimes you’re feeling miserable, sometimes you’re feeling amazing. Just run the gamut of emotions, open my heart up, and pour out what’s there that day. Kind of try to capture the moment.

The Knockturnal: How was it having your parents at your concert last night? Do you perform differently when your parents are there?

Robbie: No, not really, but they’re very religious. So it feels kind of strange. Especially “Gladiator.” They’re so proud of me, and it’s wonderful.

The Knockturnal: Is there a difference between Robbie The Used and The Used Robbie?

Robbie: Yeah, I think Bert is cocky, unhinged. I think Robbie’s sweet and kind of mellow.

The Knockturnal: I saw you at When We Were Young two weeks ago, and I did notice a duality between the two. You like to give the middle finger during a concert. Is that a thing?

Robbie: Yeah, people love to say, “Fuck you.” I think people have really gotten used to that kind of personality from me, so this is a whole new side.

The Knockturnal: Where does the daisy come from?

Robbie: My wife’s sister is a graphic designer, and she does amazing work. She came up with the little cute daisies, and I thought it was perfect. It fit perfectly. The record cover is from a good friend of mine that does film photography only. We did a whole shoot of just film, and I thought it would be really fun to have some kind of colorful, cartoonish thing over the top of it.

The Knockturnal: How did you do in school, and would your teachers be surprised at where you are today?

Robbie: I think so. I didn’t do very well in school. I dropped out when I was about 15. My daughters are always like, “You don’t know, Dad, you dropped out of school.” So yeah, I had a few really good teacherswhot would probably be like, “That makes sense.” I also had some teachers that would probably be very, very surprised.

The Knockturnal: What advice would you give to kids that are like you, and that are looking to get into the music industry?

Robbie: Don’t let anyone tell you no. Don’t let anyone tell you, “You have to have a backup plan,” because if you want it, you can get it.

The Knockturnal: What’s your favorite song to perform on the album?

Robbie: That’s such a good question. People ask me that. I love playing “Just a Little Bit,” and I think that it’s been out for a while, and people really know the words to that one and can sing along. “Wake Up Call” is also really fun. “The Feels,” to end the set, just feels like a real celebration of the whole record.

The Knockturnal: We got one The Used song at your show last night. Would we ever get a Robbie The Used song at The Used shows?

Robbie: That would be fun. I’m not sure, but that would be really fun.

The Knockturnal: How have you found touring solo?

Robbie: It’s nerve-wracking. It’s crazy to get out there all by myself, but it’s been so fun, really intimate. It’s really special. My face hurts from smiling so much. It’s just such a good escape for me.

The Knockturnal: Do you think you’ll have another album?

Robbie: I hope so, yeah. I hope so.

The Knockturnal: Anything coming up that you want to share or talk about?

Robbie: We’re planning an Emo cruise at the beginning of February. It should be a blast. April and May will be very, very, very exciting.

The Knockturnal: How has the support from your fans been in this new endeavor?

Robbie: The Used fans are very sincere. They’re open to a really emotional type of show. Being able to be free and sing along and dance like nobody’s watching. So yeah, the hardcore Used fans come out, and it makes me feel really special. The whole vibe is a really special vibe. One big dance party.

The Knockturnal: How would you describe the difference between performing with The Used and performing on your own?

Robbie: I think the different personality really comes out. When I’m playing with The Used, I’m kind of like the “fuck you” guy. And I’m it. I’m him. And then with Robbie The Used, it’s like the crowd is it. The crowd is the special part.

The Knockturnal: On your own time, which part would you say you are most like?

Robbie: I’m Robbie The Used in my own time. I’m the dad.

The Knockturnal: What are some albums that you listen to on your own? What are some of your favorites?

Robbie: I like early, early emo stuff, like Sunny Day Real Estate and Texas Is the Reason. I like new pop, like Post Malone. It’s all over the place.

The Knockturnal: Is there an artist you would want to collaborate with that you haven’t already?

Robbie: Teddy Swims’ voice is just so incredible. It would be amazing to do something with him.

The Knockturnal: Who would you imagine singing one of your songs, one of your current Robbie The Used songs?

Robbie: Oh, that’s a good question. Somebody epic like Prince. That would be epic.

The Knockturnal: It’s interesting to see an artist go solo. Usually, when someone goes solo, they don’t stick with their band. How have your bandmates responded to you doing a solo album while still being part of the band? You had mentioned, we’ve been together for 25 years and we’ve never broken up. And I loved that. How have they been responding to this venture?

Robbie: I mean, it was never going to be a decision to try and leave the band.

The Knockturnal: You were always going to do this solo. How did that whole conversation go?

Robbie: They’re really supportive. They know it’s just for fun. It’s a passion project of mine. I turned 40, and I wanted a pop record for my birthday. They’re really supportive and cool. They know it’s not going to touch The Used at all. We’re tighter than we’ve ever been. We’re best friends. We love recording. We love playing live. So hopefully we’ll do this for another 25 years.

The Knockturnal: Do you guys have any matching tattoos?

Robbie: The band? Yeah, tons. We have a tattoo artist that comes out on tour with us. We all have a “Joe Rules” tattoo. That’s our production manager. We all have a picture of the singer of Dawn Broca with “Riz Lorde” under it because he’s the rizziest of lords. We all have a bus on fire that says 55, because we had a tour that we went through, like, 10 buses. There’s a bunch. We all have a Topo Chico tattoo because we love Topo Chico so much. It’s the spiciest and bubbliest.

The Knockturnal: What is the 1984 tattoo? That’s not your birth year.

Robbie: From the book. That’s my favorite book.

The Knockturnal: Why is that your favorite book?

Robbie: George Orwell is just a master at painting and painting. And it’s just so sad. I love that it’s so sad. At the end, he’s crying gin-scented tears. Amazing.

The Knockturnal: Would you get any of the daisy tattoos?

Robbie: Of course. Yeah, that would be awesome.

The Knockturnal: What do you do when you’re on vacation and you’re not touring?

Robbie: I just like to hang with my kids. We like to kick back, and we like to play board games. And we love to watch Survivor. I love Survivor. It’s fun. It’s up to season 50 or 46 or so.

The Knockturnal: How did you and your wife meet?

Robbie: Well, my first time in Australia, we went to a “meet the label.” We were with Warner Brothers, and she worked for Warner Brothers. I saw her across the room. I’m like, that’s the one.

The Knockturnal: Classic meet-cute.

Robbie: Yeah, exactly.

The Knockturnal: How did you propose?

Robbie: It was a couple of different moments. We knew we were going to get married. We lived together right away. I stayed in Australia for like three weeks living with her, and then she moved to LA with me. But I think I got down on my knee in Las Vegas.

The Knockturnal: You dedicated the song “Push Me” to her and your daughters. When did you write that?

Robbie: I wrote it in 2021, and for me, it’s kind of like 1984 a little bit. It’s a sad little song.

The Knockturnal: What’s the most emotional song to sing if it’s not that one?

Robbie: “Gold in the Ashes” is really emotional for me. It’s kind of anthemic and about modern living. Trying not to live with your face in your phone and trying to accept that you are good enough.

The Knockturnal: Do you like musicals?

Robbie: I love musicals.

The Knockturnal: What’s your top musical?

Robbie: Les Mis.

The Knockturnal: When you come to New York, are there any local hot spots that you have to hit up? Any eateries, anything that you’re like, “I’ve got to go”?

Robbie: We’ve gone to Gramercy Tavern quite a bit. Delicious food. It’s wonderful.

The Knockturnal: Where’s your favorite place to tour, or your favorite stage you’ve performed on, if you can even name one?

Robbie: I love Sydney. There’s a venue called the Round House. The Opera House is beautiful. But yeah, everywhere in Sydney that we’ve played is just magical. It’s really awesome to have my family out and my girls come on stage and sing their own little songs. It’s cute, really cute.

The Knockturnal: What do your daughters listen to?

Robbie: Pop music. They love Post Malone. They love Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, and Deja Nemo. Then grunge music, or late 90s, early 90s, kind of Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Rage.

The Knockturnal: What’s the weirdest thing a fan has given to you at a concert?

Robbie: Somebody threw their fake leg. They threw their fake leg on stage one time. We got it back to him.

The Knockturnal: How’d you come up with the fuzzy mic stand idea?

Robbie: Well, in our Claymation videos, we have some, like, little fuzzy creatures, and I thought it would be fun to just wrap the mic stand in something fuzzy. If I could, I’d have some fuzzy creatures dancing around on stage, maybe someday.

The Knockturnal: If you go to 42nd Street, there’s a bunch of little fuzzy creatures. Little electronic ones.

Robbie: Oh, perfect. That’s dope.

The Knockturnal: What music apps do you use?

Robbie: I like YouTube a lot.

The Knockturnal: What’s one of the last things you watched on YouTube?

Robbie: That’s a good question. I’m constantly listening to my own music. A lot of Teddy Swims and a lot of Dominique Pike. It’s like my new thing. It’s great.

The Knockturnal: What’s one of the best festivals you’ve played?

Robbie: When We Were Young.

The Knockturnal: What were your thoughts on everything that was going on?

Robbie: Epic. It’s unbelievable to get on stage and play in front of that many people. Only a few times have we done that kind of thing. We played a festival in Brazil called “I Won’t Be Fest,” and it was just like every soccer stadium sold out. 45,000, 55,000 people. Amazing. Super fun.

The Knockturnal: I love that it was for your 40th birthday. Happy birthday.

Robbie: Oh, thank you. That was years ago. We started working on this record in like late 2020, 2021. So it’s been a long time coming. I’m super, super happy that it’s out now.

The Knockturnal: What was the last song you wrote for this album?

Robbie: That’s a good question. There’s like 12 songs that didn’t make the record. So it was probably one of those, but I think the last song that made the record was probably “The Feels.” I think “Wake Up Call” as well. It was toward the end of the session.

The Knockturnal: Which was the first?

Robbie: “Terrible.” The first song on the record. That was our very first. Yeah.

The Knockturnal: How did you know that the record was done and ready to be performed and put out?

Robbie: It was just such a long time coming. It was like, we’re finally ready. It’s about time. Just a feeling. I wanted to get out there and sing the songs for people.

You can listen to the entire RobbieTheUsed album here! Get tickets to The Used 25th anniversary tour here!

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