Exclusive: Maika Monroe Talks ‘Hot Summer Nights’

Actress Maika Monroe talks all things ‘Hot Summer Nights’ in this exclusive interview with The Knockturnal.

The Knockturnal: Ok awesome, so to start it off what was it like working with this talented cast”

Monroe: it’s always awesome. It’s a really awesome thing to work with actors that you respect and I’ve worked with Alex Roe so that was really nice and I knew him and obviously he’s very talented so yeah it was great

The Knockturnal: Did you enjoy shooting a film that took place in the 90s and what was that like for you?

Monroe: yeah so much fun. It was really fun the wardrobe. I love working with costume designers on movies and I think it really helps, kind of build the character so this was awesome looking back at old photos and the fashion. Yeah it was very fun and also the music, everything. Yeah it was great.

The Knockturnal: So it’s safe to say at the start of the film McKayla, your character, has a big reputation. What was it like playing a character like that?

Monroe: It was fun. Um she’s very different from who I was in high school but uh that’s what makes it fun”

The Knockturnal: We see that McKayla shows a lot of emotion in the film, do you enjoy shooting those types of scenes? Can you talk a little bit about that?

Monroe: Definitely yeah. Yeah I like the characters that have emotion you know you see the change of a person going through something. Yeah I think it’s nice to do.

The Knockturnal: Can you talk a little about McKayla’s relationships in the film with both her brother and Daniel?

Monroe: Yeah um, I mean when we start she doesn’t speak to her brother because of what happened and everything dealing drugs, she doesn’t really want to be apart of it. Also I think the last of her mother really changed who she is and how she handles certain situations. I think if I didn’t have my mom through the whole 19 years of like becoming a woman. She went through many personal things where she didn’t really have anyone so I think she had to grow up a lot quicker. I think when she met Daniel there was something different about him, different than any other guys that you know, will hit on her or guys that she dates. And in a sense really she doesn’t have anyone. I think that’s why initially she’s drawn to him and she kind of feels like she can be herself and she doesn’t need to try to kind of be someone else I guess.

The Knockturnal: Where do you think McKayla is now?

Monroe: I picture her having moved to some bigger city with new people and probably I don’t know writing maybe? Something cool something that she wants to do. I don’t know what it is but yeah.

The Knockturnal: Are there any upcoming projects you’d like to share with us?

Monroe: Yeah I’ve got a movie coming out called the Widow with um Isabell Huppert and Chloe Moretz, it’s coming out I believe in the fall which I’m very excited about. And then I’m going to shoot a movie with Shia LeBeouf and Lucas Hedges called Honeyboy. It’s also another one that I’m really excited to come out. Yeah that’s kind of what’s going on, a couple other projects.

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