In the all-new CW series “Superman and Lois,” we get to see an all-new chapter in the lives and adventures of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, as they face one of their most challenging endeavors thus far, parenting teenagers while trying to focus on work.
What makes this process even more complex is that Clark and Lois are worried about whether their sons, Jonathan and Jordan, could inherit their father’s Kryptonian superpowers as they grow older. Through it all, the family sticks together through every circumstance, and the series is incredibly thrilling. Starring as Jonathan, Little Fires Everywhere actor Jordan Elsass puts on a miraculous performance showcasing his character’s anxieties and overall woes of growing up, even with his unique circumstances.
His character is resilient and he plays him with grace, holding similarities while also being totally different from his Little Fires Everywhere character Trip. Jordan compares the roles by saying just that, and how they are such complex characters. The series airs on Tuesday nights on the CW, and there are 5 must-see episodes out now! We had the chance to sit down with Jordan to talk all about the series and his role, check it out above!