It is absolutely wild to believe how much can change within a year. I thought about our interview with Ben Ellis last year on a Zoom call, talking about the release of his very first EP, The Ed’s House. Back then, he was just starting to make his mark, full of excitement and nerves about what lay ahead.
Fast forward to less than a year later, and after recently moving abroad, I had the chance to meet Ben in person before his set at the iconic Camden Roundhouse in London. He was supporting British pop singer-songwriter Henry Moodie, and the energy in the venue was electric. Surrounded by the buzz of dedicated fans, queued around the venue, I couldn’t help but reflect on how far Ben has come since our first conversation. (Literally, in less than a year.) For me, it felt like a full-circle moment—witnessing his success throughout the year.
The Roundhouse is home to performances featuring some of the most legendary musicians; Notable acts ranging from Fleetwood Mac and David Bowie to Radiohead and The Rolling Stones.
A year after our first interview with Ellis, one of the developments I’ve loved seeing has been watching his fanbase evolve into a community. Fans who first connected online now gather in cities across the country for Ben’s meet-ups, bonding over their shared love of his music. These events offer more than just a chance to meet their new favorite artist—they provide a space for fans to connect with others who simply just get it.
In our 2023 conversation, Ben was just trying to grow his audience with dreams of playing bigger stages. A year later, Ben has since then played gigs opening for McFly, Stray Kids, Anne Marie, and Tom Walker across some of the most iconic venues and festivals – such as BST Hyde Park.
Ben’s success across social media platforms is evident, as he is making his mark in music seamlessly. With a catalog of over 2 million streams and a consistent timeline of being featured for 22 weeks on BBC Radio Wales’ “Welsh A-List” throughout the release of “The Ed’s House EP”, as well as his previous tracks “No One Sleeps In Hollywood” “DEEP!” and “Does It Get Cold In California”. Continuing to showcase his vibrant lyricism and vocals, the Cardiff-based musician released his new single “Red Handed“, on November 20th.
‘Red Handed’ – Artwork: Credit – @finmcdonald
Ben’s gratitude and humility shone throughout our entire conversation. His passion lies in creating music and forming genuine connections with his fans through it.
Read our full interview with Ben Ellis!
THE KNOCKTURNAL: This is your first cross-country tour where you’re doing so many shows. I think I counted today; it was like 16 shows.
BEN ELLIS: It’s mental. It’s been surreal. I think last time we spoke the idea of doing a tour was something, and that’s been the same up until two weeks before I got told. So it’s just been a dream. It’s been the best time ever, and I’ve loved it. It’s been amazing.
THE KNOCKTURNAL: How have you been adjusting to touring?
BEN: It must’ve been at the first Copenhagen show, and I remember just being on the bus, and it just hit me so hard. Everyone was asleep and I was awake just sobbing, like, this is the coolest thing ever. \n I think because of fans and people joining the tour, I think there’s been times where I’ve completely forgotten that I’m away. So it’s been a roller coaster in the best way possible.
THE KNOCKTURNAL: I know that you’ve hosted so many different fan meetups, and that just sounds so fantastic. Have there been any specific fan interactions or moments you’ve really embraced?
BEN: In the UK segment, every show, I’ve been thrown a Welsh flag on stage, which is so funny. I love Wales and I love being from that country. And I’ve wanted to, I guess, hone that in so much. I’ve really wanted to emphasize that I’m Welsh and the fact that Welsh people are coming to the shows and throwing me flags and stuff like that, that’s dream territory. The fan meetups, I would never have expected that many people to come. We announced doing park meetups the day before, and the last few have been amazing, and we want to do a couple more.
THE KNOCKTURNAL: Were there any specific cities where you realized that you had a fan base?
BEN: Amsterdam. I knew I had a fan base over there, and I have a few people who have been core fans who’ve always been wanting to see me. But that show, I was just sitting down thinking, “Wow, people were singing the lyrics, properly singing it. So that was really cool.
THE KNOCKTURNAL: On the note of touring and your mental health, people such as Chappell Roan and other musicians have been well spoken, are just more susceptible to talking about the heaviness of touring. Being that this is your first tour, how have you been staying grounded and protecting your mental health?
BEN: It’s my first tour, so I think for me, every part of it has made me just completely giddy and excited. I remember first opening the doors to the tour bus and you put a code in and then you open it. My favorite thing about working with a lot of my friends is that they get really giddy about the small things that I might have achieved or something like that. I feel like everyone on this tour, they’re all seasoned veterans, and I’m the rookie who has joined on, and I’m just excited and I love it. I try to be professional and stick to that, but I never want to lose that excitement. I would love to get better and hone my craft, I just really enjoy the fact that I’m doing this and feel very present.
THE KNOCKTURNAL: What do you want new audiences who have never listened to Ben Ellis to take away from your performance?
BEN: Every show has been so different. The Scandinavian shows were very attentive, and they would listen, Europe was just mental. The UK has been different because I’m the first on, so it’s me and then James, who’s from The Vamps, and then it’s Henry. So this one has been a welcome in kind of set It’s different to the Europe ones where, they’re intensely listening and stuff., I’ve adapted to all of it. I feel comfortable and confident in my ability, I feel like I’m myself on stage. It’s helped with stage presence and carrying myself and knowing that you can take your time, and you don’t have to be speaking every five seconds… Just acknowledging that you’re just very lucky to be able to do it, and that if this was it, then that’s fine. That’s enough.
THE KNOCKTURNAL: James Bay had recently talked about you as an up-and-coming artist. And obviously I feel like when you hear his voice, it’s like, it’s so distinctive. And I feel like anyone from our generation knows who that is. What was that kind of seeing him acknowledge you and support you?
BEN: Again, I’m very lucky. James is also managed by my manager, so that is something I’m very lucky to be getting in the door for. It’s surreal. I have signed CDs from him from when he had released his first album. Chaos and the Calm is one of my favorite albums ever. It’s cool to just have such a big role model in music, specifically cheering you on. I just hope I can call him up and go on tour with him. *laughs* He’s going on tour in January, so it would be cool. It’s just whether it’s the right time for me as an artist.
THE KNOCKTURNAL: So we have your newly released tracks Deep, does It Get Cold in California and No Sleep in Hollywood. From The Ed’s House EP to now, you can see the growth and how you’re experimenting with different sounds. So can you share a bit about this process for your newer music?
BEN: Yeah, it’s felt the best. I think I’ve always said that I’ve wanted to push the boundaries of me as an artist. I’ve always wanted to kind of sell myself in a way where, for instance, Harry Styles is at where he has people come to hear Matilda, but they also come for Kiwi. That would be the dream for me as an artist. The EP that’s coming is a lot more well-rounded. There’s a new track called Red Handed that’s coming out soon and every song feels different, but it all feels the same sonically. I don’t want to apologize for the fact that I have loads of different music tastes and I want to release all sorts of stuff. I really do think I can do it. I feel like that’s how you get longevity by being yourself, and I don’t want to be just a pop artist. I love Role Model, and I think he’s a testament of you can do whatever genre, and I think now’s the time for me to do it because I’m an emerging artist. It could go amazing; it could go down the drain. You just don’t know. If I have an opportunity to just show everyone my music taste and influences, then that’s how I want to do it.
THE KNOCKTURNAL: Lastly, a game called Kiss, Marry, Kick off the setlist: Runner Up Deep and Does It Get Cold In California.
BEN: California has been going down so well on tour. I think maybe because of the newest one people have been singing it. I would say I’d Kiss ‘Deep’ because that’s my favorite songwriting session I’ve ever had. Yeah, I loved it. I just thought it was amazing. I’d marry ‘California’ just because it has things that I’ve always wanted to try… There’s a very specific Ed Sheeran performance where he is at the Brits, and he gets the crowd to sing to him as he walks off stage. I’ve dreamt of doing that on stage. So yeah, I’m just excited for that one and love playing it.
If you get the chance to see Ben live next year, be sure not to miss it!
Follow Ben Ellis and see him on tour here!