This Week’s Fear The Walking Dead Went Full On Fast & The Furious

Zoey Merchant as Wren - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 5 - Photo Credit: Lauren "Lo" Smith/AMC

This week’s Fear The Walking Dead went beyond stupidity that it made an episode of the previous season look like a masterpiece by comparison.

But before I dive into the meat and bones of this crapshow of an episode, I have to say that Karen David did really great acting wise to conclude Grace’s arc as she died due to the walker bite and then turned. Even so, she deserved to go out better than this as Grace is one of the better characters introduced after the soft reboot a few seasons ago.

With that out of the way, what was even going on? Mo continues to be annoying and distracting to the story. She shows zero emotion the whole time we got the tired “dragged out death of a main character” plot. Everything Morgan did on this episode was out of character, and what did I say before about the radiation? That was not a cure, it just delayed the infection from coming back. Why did everyone even think this was the answer? Especially when Finch’s infection came right back.

Is anyone actually supposed to believe that Mo could take on PADRE’s useless “soldiers?” Not me because she is not a threat. It is a shame that Carl and Judith Grimes (and for the most part, most of the main cast of World Beyond) can act like kids but Mo cannot. Also, why did Shrike wait for over a decade for those walkers to be cleared? Whatever is important in those containers may not mean anything of value since PADRE is small and cannot even forgo a country wide expansion.

Do NOT get me started on that awful fight scene near the end as Morgan slowly fights off two guys and Shrike is standing there doing nothing. Morgan had the chance to take her down right there but yet gets tripped? Also, lets have my favorite character on this show Dwight stand up during the boat chase while the PADRE soldier is shooting right at him from a few feet away. How was the soldier’s aim off? Explain this to me!

The funny thing about this season so far, is that Madison’s return has felt very underwhelming and forgettable. She should have been the primary focus. They sure did that as she only appeared and had significance in two of the five episodes of the first half.

I have nothing more to say about this episode of Fear The Walking Dead other than throw it in the trash. But how could I when it was most likely written by ChatGPT. A complete dud.

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