Adapted from Charlaine Harris’ book series Midnight, Texas highlights the lives of the supernatural inhabitants of a small rural town. The show stars Canadian actor Francois Arnaud who plays Manfred and Arielle Kebbel from “The Vampire Diaries,” “True Blood,” “The Gilmore Girls,” and “The Grinder. She plays Olivia on the show. Short but sweet, check out what the stars from Midnight, Texas had to say about the new season that recently started and what the weretiger fuss has been all about.
The Knockturnal: So Midnight Texas season 2 how excited are you guys?
Arielle: So excited I mean episode 4 is on tonight and the response has been amazing so far. I feel like our fans have supported us since day one and I feel like now we are hitting the middle of the season we are getting to the meat of the season so I’m excited to see what people think.
The Knockturnal: What is the difference between the this season and the last? What can you tell me about both?
Francois: I think one of the great things about doing television is that you can look at it take a step back and come back to it with like adjusting things. I think there’s a lot of things that worked in the first season but I think we’re just like owning the fact that it’s a really intense show. It’s a wild ride but it’s also very tongue and cheek and smart and I think we’re just like embracing all of that and I think the second season goes to – well at least to me- completely unexpected places. It goes really dark and real insane and somehow still makes sense.
The Knockturnal: I heard that there is a Weretiger situation going on. What can you tell me about that? Who’s idea was it.
Francois: Yeah so that’s in the books that it was adapted from. He looks great on the show.
Arielle: Well the Weretiger was a very expensive Weretiger.
Francois: He can’t be on too often,
Arielle: Season one it was the special effects team from Life of Pi so we had like as legit as it gets when it comes to Weretiger special effects.