Marcus Watkins takes over as Love Life’s protagonist in love. The HBO Max show returned for its second season with William Jackson Harper. The series’ bushel of showrunners—creator Sam Boyd, Transparent’s Bridget Bedard, and newcomer Rachelle Williams of Mixed-ish—give an exclusive interview to The Knockturnal.
A cameo from Anna Kendrick christens the new season and sets fans on their way from character Darby Carter’s New York City love. Season one side character Marcus takes the handoff for his own love journey. And writers take a whack at the character development of a lead differing in gender, age, race, and more. Keith David narrates.
While Marcus and Darby embark on different stories, Love Life still offers an amazing watch for veteran fans and new tune-ins alike. Showrunners’ continued admiration for Harper and his acting stemming from film and television works like The Good Place as Chidi Anagonye contributed towards the blossoming of Marcus in Love Life’s sophomore season. The new protagonist is a mix of the Harper they love, the Harper we love, and touches of the writers’ room.
Chuckles to oh-nos can be heard from living rooms everywhere this season. Besides Harper and showrunners, credit is also due to the roster of talent the second season brings. HBO tapped Jessica Williams, Punkie Johnson, and Comedian CP as regulars.
Catch the new season of Love Life on HBO Max today. New episodes will be rolled out in installments.