Interior designer James Andrew wanted to tell his story. Andrew modeled outfits in The Fashion Group’s Blue Jacket show. In an interview, he talked about the charitable event and his high-profile accolades.
The 7th Annual Blue Jacket Fashion Show benefits prostate cancer research. The show encouraged attendees to take proactive medical exams. Mount Sinai Hospital provided quick prostate-specific antigen tests. Janssen Oncology sponsored the show. The non-profit group Zero– The End of Prostate Cancer received proceeds. To learn about Andrew’s story and goals, read the interview below.
The Knockturnal: Have you done anything related to the fashion industry before?
James Andrew: Many years ago, when blogging was a thing, I was an early blogger. I came up with a blog called ‘What is James Wearing?’ It was pictures of me in different outfits around the world, in whatever I was doing: at the Creon Hotel in Paris, going antiquing in New York, that type of thing.
Honestly, it was less about what I was wearing and more about where I was. I would give that story and then a description of my ensemble. It went viral immediately. I was written up in the London Telegraph. At that time, it was my fashion moment. I was invited to every fashion show.
There was an article written about me called ‘The Last Dandies.’ Also, I was in a write-up in a British magazine. They said I was their favorite blogger of all time. I received all these tremendous accolades. Although it wasn’t meant to be a fashion blog, it became that in a way. People were more interested in what I was wearing than what I was writing about.
The Knockturnal: Could you describe the most impressive accolade you received or your biggest accomplishment through that blog?
James Andrew: At the time, I was wearing a lot of Tom Ford and Gucci. They described me as ‘Gatsby meets Gucci’ style. That was really brilliant. I can’t remember the name. Like I mentioned, the Eleanor UK piece said I was their favorite blogger. That was tremendous.
‘The Last Dandies’ featured me and Hamish Bowles. I was honored to be in such wonderful company.
Also, the blog was several years ago. I just decided to take a hiatus from the blog. Sadly, my tech guy took it down. It’s out there in the ethers somewhere, but a lot of these quotes were all on the blog. I’m not sure where else I’ve put them. I can’t share them in a more accurate way.
The Knockturnal: Can you tell me your role in the fashion show?
James Andrew: Yeah, so Fredrick Reese talked to me. He knew that I had prostate cancer. I’m known for my sense of style as well. He thought that it might be a brilliant reason for me to walk in the show. I was initially reluctant to do so. Then, I thought ‘perhaps this is an opportunity to help other people and possibly save them from the experience I had been subjected to.
The Knockturnal: Could you briefly describe your style?
James Andrew: Yeah, it’s like a sexier version of a classic Savile Row, maybe with an Italian twist.
The Knockturnal: Okay. How do the clothes in the fashion show reflect your style? Did you wear anything specific that you enjoyed?
James Andrew: When Fredrich Reese talked to me, I worked for a small Savile Row tailor called ‘Kad and the Dandy.’ I would rather give attention to people who are upcoming, but still still have the luxury of having something made at Savile Row. The theme of the show was ‘blue jacket.’
I went for a country-squire-in-the-city look. I had a beautiful, blue tweed jacket with a calvary twill tote plan: blue shirt, blue tie…that kind of thing. I kept the theme of ‘blue jacket.’
The Knockturnal: What new opportunities do you foresee coming from the fashion show?
James Andrew: What I hope for the most is to help other guys avoid everything I went through. I think that’s my main focus. I don’t know if anything else will come from it. Sometimes, things come to us in life in a rather succourless manner. In this case, I’m only thinking about trying to present myself in the best possible way.
In a nutshell, I want to give men the most information about taking control of their health. I want them to be proactive and early in getting their PSA checked. In terms of hopes, nothing else has really come to mind.
There was a modeling agency in New York called ‘Ugly, New York.’ They featured unusual types of characters. At the time, there was a look called ‘aristocat’ — that’s kind of how I looked. I was asked if I wanted to sign with them. I was very amused because I would’ve said, ‘Oh, I’m a model with Ugly, New York.’ Shortly after, the agency was dissolved. It never went anywhere, but I just think it’s a funny story.
The Knockturnal: That was a really interesting story. Thank you. Do you plan to work with The Fashion Group in the future?
James Andrew: If I can help, absolutely. Absolutely. I want to share my experience and reach as many people as possible— whatever that might involve. I would be thrilled to help in any way.
The Knockturnal: Do you have any other upcoming plans to spread awareness for prostate cancer?
James Andrew: Absolutely. In advance of ‘Blue Jacket,’ I’m sharing the invite and other content on Instagram. That’s my preferred source of social media now. I want to see if I can get people to come out and support this. Kady and Dandy will photograph me and use those photos to talk about the event. In that way, it will keep the conversation going. I’m honored to be a part of all of this.
The Knockturnal: Thank you so much for speaking with me today.
James Andrew: Okay, brilliant. Have a wonderful day.