When National Cancer Survivor month comes by each June, we are all reminded of the struggle that survivors have gone through due to cancer, and the battle that many cancer patients are still fighting daily. Founder of nonprofit Music Beats Cancer, Dr. Mona S. Jhaveri, decided to take matters into her own hands, and vowed to make a difference.
She realized that many startups that focused specifically on cancer-fighting technology were not receiving the funding they needed to stay afloat, and were unable to continue their work, with their research and advancements going to waste. Thus, Music Beats Cancer began a yearly fundraiser to fuel these startups, and make a meaningful, long-term impact.
Music Beats Cancer founder, Dr. Mona S. Jhaveri
The fundraiser was held at Terminal 5 in Manhattan, and dozens of individuals pooled in beside me to take part. When I entered, I was immediately given the opportunity to speak with NY Giants player Lawrence Taylor, or “LT”, who was a proud supporter of Music Beats Cancer, and would also donate in the event. Without much time for more than a single question, I asked him the most fundamental one: “Why did you choose to support this cancer nonprofit?”. LT simply replied with a single phrase, “Because I can.” I must have appeared startled at the response, because after a chuckle, he elaborated further. “Listen, I’ve had a good life. In my position, it’s very easy to spend money like it’s nothing and buy a million things. But it’s also easy to give someone else a good life with that money, and that’s what I’d rather do.” He paused for a moment, then added, “F**k cancer.”
Ex-NY Giants player Lawrence Taylor
With those wise words from LT, I ambled away to take in the venue before the main event. There was an open bar serving any type of drink, and a long string of Mediterranean dishes on a table. I could see hummus, grape leaves, and cheese pies, among other finger food. The DJ was churning out steady bops, and I walked over to the items ready to be auctioned. There, I could see several items that had been signed by famous individuals, including a Marvel poster that had been signed by Stan Lee that caught my eye. There were also several sport artifacts, including clothing and items used in famous games. I smiled knowing that these things would all be going to homes that will have had a hand in fighting cancer.
The show began, and after several introductions (as well as an announcement that everyone who donated would automatically be entered to win a brand new Porsche), the group that everyone had been waiting for strode out. GTLO, or Get The Led Out, a Led Zeppelin cover band, were intense, aggressive, and masterful; in other words, they did an amazing job capturing the energy of Led Zeppelin. They performed classic after classic, and while this particular genre and artist are not my cup of tea, I could see members of the audience clearly having a great time.
GTLO’s Lead Singer
The concert and interview with Lawrence Taylor really put into focus the effort that Music Beats Cancer was putting in elucidating their vision for the public. This event shed light on how anyone can help fight cancer, and that it simply starts with passion. From there, anything is possible.