FlyWheel Opens New Astor Place Studio

FlyWheel’s new Astor Place location is a spin studio so efficient that by the time you realize you’re working out, you’ll be on your way out the door clutching a complimentary banana and feeling recharged in every way.

The brand’s latest New York spin studio is equipped with tech friendly details and designed with an on-the-go lifestyle in mind.

Pick your bike and input your shoe size ahead of time online. When you arrive, numbered cubbies in the entryway corresponding to your bike number house your shoes, ready to wear.

Each locker is equipped with plugs, so you can securely charge your tablet and phone while you sweat it out in the studio.

You can even grab a chilled complimentary ‘Fly’ water and a fresh folded towel on your way in, to stay hydrated and comfortable throughout your workout.

The Astor Place location boasts a stadium-style studio, making you feel like you’ve got the best seat in the house, no matter where your bike is.

If you’re a first-timer, no problem. The staff helps you adjust your seat, giving you the measurements you’ll need for your bike the next time you ride.

Each bike has an LED display immediately showing you your torque and RPM’s, to eliminate annoying guesswork involved in figuring out how much resistance you’re adding or how fast you are going.

Not everyone brings Tour-de-France-level skill to their stationary bike, and FlyWheel recognizes that with a dynamic and friendly approach to spinning. When you sign up, you can decide whether or not you want to see your name on the display screen to compare yourself to your fellow bikers.

The instructor stays high-energy throughout the class, matching music tempos to the upcoming intervals and offering a doable range of goal RPM’s encompassing everyone from the first-timers to the spinning pros.

At the end of the class, dump your towel in one of many bins, drop your shoes off in an open shoot (no lines to return them, yay!) and check your performance on a mounted iPad near the entrance before grabbing some complimentary fruit and coffee and getting on with your day.

-Hilary Ribons

Girl walking into studio.


Spin shoes in cubby, ready to go.


LED display screen.


Studio before class.


A biker checks her progress on the iPads near the entrance on her way out.

Photo Credit: Hilary Ribons

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